A vital resource for those studying theology, mission, the Church, Christian unity, inter-faith encounter, and mission to Western culture

A CD-Rom containing (1) over two hundred texts written by Lesslie Newbigin including twelve of his books and some responses to him, and (2) a comprehensive bibliography of Newbigin's works and of substantial responses to him. The CD-Rom incorporates askSam software, making it possible to search both texts and bibliography.

�20.00 available from the Gospel and Our Culture Network

ORDERING INFORMATION: write to The Gospel and Our Culture network (CD), 11 Redgate Road, Girton, Cambridge CB3 0PP, England, giving your name and address and enclosing payment. Payment must be made by cheque (in pounds sterling) or banker's draft drawn on a British bank. If you are ordering from outside Europe, please add �1.50 for postage. Alternatively, if you have a personal Paypal account, you can pay by this method; e-mail CD-Rom@gospel-culture.org.uk for details.

If you are ordering from the American continent, or would find it easier to pay for the CD in US$, you may prefer to order it from The Gospel and Our Culture Network in North America, c/- Judy Boss, Western Theological Seminary, 101E 13th Street, Holland, Michigan 49423, U.S.A.

A concession rate may be available if you live outside Europe, North America, Australia or New Zealand. Concessions are also available for bulk orders of ten or more CD's. For further information write to the address above or e-mail CD-Rom@gospel-culture.org.uk.

Lesslie Newbigin's published writings span over sixty years, from 1933 to 1998. These years saw him active as:

Lesslie Newbigin's many lectures, books, articles, and reviews display his gift for identifying the key theological and practical issues facing the church in a range of contexts, many of which continue urgently to demand engagement today. Access to the full range of his work has been hindered, however, by the fact that a number of his books have gone out of print; his shorter writings have been published in over 80 journals etc. some of which are not easily accessible; and a number of his valuable lectures and discussion papers have never been published. The Newbigin.Net CD-Rom makes a significant proportion of this material available at a low price. This has been made possible by a grant from the Council for World Mission and the ready co-operation of the Newbigin Estate and of many publishers.

The Newbigin.Net CD-Rom offers a CD version of the searchable database which can be found online at http://www.Newbigin.Net The CD offers a simpler search facility than the online version: while the latter allows searches using boolean operators, all searches of text involve a second stage using Adobe Acrobat in order to locate selected words within the text. The CD also enables extensive study without consuming internet time. The very best results will be achieved by using both the CD and the online version.



Lesslie Newbigin offers a remarkable combination of prophecy and wisdom, deeply rooted in a lifetime of experience in the church and the academy in many parts of the world. He continues to be very well worth reading, and it is most encouraging to find that he is being made available to a wider readership in new media. His is a voice that the twenty-first century needs to hear.

Professor David Ford

'I congratulate any seminary or degree course that offers a special subject in (Lesslie Newbigin's) thought. One may disagree with him, but one can scarcely ignore him.� (I) wish that I had known of some of these books when I had been teaching theology; they would have been a help both to me and to my students, and that remains the case� He grappled sixty years ago with many of the questions that still beset us.'

Rt. Rev'd Dr N.T. Wright, Bishop of Durham

'Lesslie Newbigin was a giant in the history of the ecumenical church of the twentieth century. By virtue of the range of his practical activities, the intellectual calibre of his writings, and the extent of his influence he most nearly invites comparison with the great fathers of early Christianity.'

Prof. Geoffrey Wainwright, Duke Divinity School, North Carolina

'There is �.evidence� that (Newbigin's) vision and perspective is finding deep resonance in the soul of a newly emerging younger generation of leadership across the church� My prediction is that Lesslie's writings these last two decades will not wane in their influence but will in fact blossom in ways we have only begun to imagine.'

Prof. George R. Hunsberger, Western Theological Seminary, Michigan

'Lesslie Newbigin was one of the outstanding Christian leaders of the twentieth century� a frontline thinker� (his) intellectual fearlessness enabled him to engage in dialogue with a range of viewpoints regardless of whether or not he found them congenial'

Prof. Wilbert Shenk, Fuller Theological Seminary, California

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